Kategoriarkiv: Blog in English

Ray Clark is an amazing man….

Me and my husband Carl Olof have a very good friend and his name is Ray Clark. Carl Olof first learned to know Ray and his wife Lena when they where playing in a band called ”Just In Time”. For many years Ray and my husband … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Blog in English, Musik, Stora förebilder | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Ray Clark is an amazing man….

Reflections from my heart…

Now August is almost over, but the weather is still great here in Skåne. It has been wonderful to have some relaxing time together with my family. I have appreciated the calm days, without stress, and I have also started … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Barn, Blog in English, Familj, Livskvalitet i familjen, Sommar | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Reflections from my heart…

I love sunsets!! <3

It’s something magical with sunsets, and they make me feel happy. They are also so beautiful… I saw this sunset from my balcony two days ago and it was really spectacular! Another day I saw this beautiful sunset from the same balcony. I think sunsets … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Blog in English, Okategoriserade, Öresundsregionen, Österlen | Kommentarer inaktiverade för I love sunsets!! <3

I just love summer…

Now summer has started for real in Skåne and I just love that. I have been sitting on my balcony a lot after work, and l have been listening at the birds singing so beautifully. It´s so nice to take a cup … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Blog in English, Familj, Livskvalitet i familjen, Sommar | Kommentarer inaktiverade för I just love summer…

Social media for everybody!!!

We are now living in a new world, with a lot of new opportunities like blogs, Facebook and twitter. But with this freedom it also comes a lot of responsibilities. For me blogging is a way to use my creativity and at … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Barn, Blog in English, Familj | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Social media for everybody!!!

A new year has just begun…

I have many hopes for 2013, and for the future. It´s always a great feeling when a new year is starting. Nice to save things from the past, but also to move on to the future. Today it´s 7:th of January 2013, … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Blog in English, Öresundsregionen, Stora förebilder | Kommentarer inaktiverade för A new year has just begun…

I´m dreaming of a nonviolent world, Merry Christmas to you all!

Above you can see the famous ”The knotted gun” and I just love this symbol of peace! My friend the artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd made this symbol as a memorial tribute to John Lennon when he was shot to death. The idea … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Blog in English, Kultur, Non-Violence, Stora förebilder | Kommentarer inaktiverade för I´m dreaming of a nonviolent world, Merry Christmas to you all!

Saknar ord inför det ofattbara…

Saknar ord inför det ofattbara…Ett fantastiskt år spenderade jag i närheten av Newtown Connecticut. Jag har fortfarande vänner som bor där. Det är med stor sorg i hjärtat som jag nu tänker på tragedin igår, då så många barn och även vuxna dödades … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Barn, Blog in English, Non-Violence | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Saknar ord inför det ofattbara…

Nice days in Germany…

I am now continuing to develop my company PQ Inspiration, both in Sweden and international. So I did go on a trip last thursday to Rostock in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/ Germany for a cross border meeting for three days. I went there with the … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Blog in English, Tyskland | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Nice days in Germany…

A beautiful afternoon at the beach…

What I love most in the summer, is to go the beach with my family. Here where we live in Skåne there are numerous of nice beaches around. Some of them are very beautiful and they attracts many tourists. I like to … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Blog in English, Livskvalitet i familjen | Kommentarer inaktiverade för A beautiful afternoon at the beach…