Greta you are Great, and I hope you´ll get to Madrid in time!

What I love most about Greta Thunberg is that she shows us all that every action a person do in life can be very powerful if we are passionate about it:

     ”No one is to small to make a difference” – Greta Thunberg

And Greta is a living proof of that herself. At only 16 years of age she has already informed us about climate change in a completely new and effectful way that we have never seen before in the world. And she has done it in a year! I first wrote about Greta in December last year, the exact same day that she was invited to speek at United Nations climate meeting COP24 in Katowice Poland where she made a big sucess. Already then I was very impressed by her.

My first blogpost about Greta can you find here:

At that time not so many people in the world knew about Greta Thunberg but now I think almost everyone know who Greta is, even Donald Trump.  Her whole journey is unique and nearly impossible to describe. I have never seen a star rise so fast before, and it makes me so proud that she also comes from Sweden, my home country. <3

Right now Greta and her father Svante Thunberg (who is always supporting her) are sailing to Madrid from USA so that Greta will have a chance to participate at the  next COP25  (United Nations climate meeting) that will be held in Madrid the 2-13:th of December.

Photo of the sailingboat ”La Vagabonde” taken from the sailor Nikki Hendersons Instagram page:

Yes she has done so much this year so I can´t even write about it all. And if I did I would have to write 1000 blogposts only about Greta, and still that wouldn´t be enough.

Here you can see Greta in action this year:

I have also always been a big admirer of Malena Ernman, our great Swedish singer and Greta Thunbergs mother.

Malena was the one that was mostly known in the Ernman-Thunberg family before Gretas sucess and I have always thougt that she is a very special singer, person and role model. She has always been brave and Greta has for sure got her mothers brave personality. Malena did also write a book about her familys struggles during a very hard period of time in their lives. When I read the book I was almost crying, and it really touched my heart.

And special for you out there who dont know who Malena Ernman is, you can se and hear her in action here:

Thank you much Malena, this song is so Beautiful and so is your voice <3

When readning the familys book ”Scenes from the heart” I also understood that Greta and her sister also was bullied at times in school, and now it continues from grown ups. There will always be haters out there. It is really sad…

But the light in the world will always win ower the darkness. And we must win ower Climate Change. So keep up the good work Greta, and I hope very much that you will make it to Madrid in time! Love Maria

Follow Maria von Schantz and Starka familjer on Facebook, and on instagram. All rights reserved.


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