Now it is apple time here at Österlen, and that feels satisfying and also magic. One of our apple trees now got beautiful red apples on it. The red colour and the round shape of the apples always goes to my hearth and makes me feel happy…
It has also been more signs of love in the air. Me and my husband met 25 years ago, and we did celebrate that on the 16th of September <3
Another strong sign of red and round, was the blood moon, that we saw on the night between the 27th and 28th of September. Like many other people we also went out to look at that beautiful phenomenon up in the sky, and that was an amazing sight…
My husband took this photo of the blood moon. The blood moon symbolizes for me that new good times are on it´s way to us all here on earth, and I hope that I am right.
We did go to the apple paradise Kivik last week, to look at this big apple painting by Emma Karp. The weather was just perfect for a visit, and the harbour beautiful like always. Emma Karps apple painting was fantastic this year, and it contained many different red colours.
Red and round like a circle of love <3
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