Happy 70th birthday to the United Nations today! #UN70

Knutna pistolen o solnedgång i TomelillaI often write about things that have to do with peace here in my blog, and today is it United Nations 70th birthday, so I want to say some words from my heart….

Österlen vinterbild från tågfönstret copy

I really can´t understand why it is so hard for us people here on earth to realize that we all have to work together for a more peaceful world. I think that is all our mission in life, and something that is so important.

The last weeks have been so traumatic, even here in little Sweden. It seems to be so much hatred in the world, and for different reasons, and that effect so much innocent people, grown ups and children…

My friend Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd that I admire with all my heart, did something fantastic when he created the knotted gun, or ”the Non-Violence” sculpture that now is all around the world. He made the symbol in 1980, as a reaction on the murder of his friend John Lennon.

The Non-Violence sculpture below are situated in Landskrona Sweden..Emelie med den dubbelknutna pistolen av CFROne of the most well known Non-Violence sculpture is standing outside the United Nation in New York, and once the former UN general Kofi Annan said this magic words about the symbol:

”The sculpture, Non-Violence, has not only endowed the United Nations with a cherished work of art; it has enriched the consciousness of humanity with a powerful symbol that encapsulates, in a few simple curves, the greatest prayer of man; that which asks not for victory, but for peace”

Thanks to Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd and thanks UN for your effort!

To all people around the world I will say, never stop to dream and work for a more peaceful world! <3    Maria von Schantz  #UN70

1 Maria Kivik 1

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