The macic of nature….

Rebnbåge hos Kari 1  13 juni 2014 kopiera

Nature is magic and comes with new surprises every day, like different coulurs and changes. I am enjoying that a little extra this week,  since I ´m free from work.Fall in Tomelilla

It´s nice to relax and to make some reflections, and to have time to be more with my family…

We took a great car ride to Denmark, and we saw this magic sunset from the car window on our way home, that was really amazing…Solnedgång Danmark november

I also did take care of som good apples from the yard, and made applecake and applejuice. That was nice, and the applecake tasted so good…Äppelskörd 2014 The magic of nature!!

You gotta ”löve” nature!!!bladhjärta

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