Goodbye sweet blooming friends…

novemberblad fb bild

I´has been just an Amazing summer and fall here in Skåne, and still we have pretty nice weather. We are already in the middle of November, and all the leaves has changed colours, and are now falling down….

I feel greatful for all the wonderful Days and I know that this beauty soon will end, so today I´m looking a little extra at my roses, the ones that still lasts. It´s kind of sad to say goodbye , when they still are looking so good…..

Sista rosa rosen 2014

sista röda rosen 2014

Goodbye sweet blooming friends…

Maria 54 år 3Följ Maria von Schantz och  Starka familjer på Facebook. Observera att alla texter och bilder på bloggen Starka familjer skyddas av lagen om upphovsrätt. All rights reserved.      

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