It has been a very Beautiful but chilly spring this year, with so little time for me to write, but yesterday on the National Day of Sweden, the summer finally came. That felt so good in my hearth, so today I will take a moment to write about gratitude and about what I appreciate most in my Life. I am very thankful for my family that I love so much and for my friends that´s all around in the world <3.
We did celebrate our daughters birthday a Beautiful day in the end of May, and that was such a nice time. Happy Birthday Emelie <3!
I am also thankful to live in a country with no war, and where most of the people have work and a good life.
I am thankful for the beauty of our nature and for the good healthy food, and that I am able to drink water every day, without getting sick.
I am thankful for all the interesting and wise people that have met so far in my Life…
You all have thought me so much in different ways and I will thank you all for that so much from my hearth! Thank you all!!!! <3 Maria Följ Maria von Schantz och Starka familjer på Facebook. Observera att alla texter och bilder på bloggen Starka familjer skyddas av lagen om upphovsrätt. All rights reserved.