In nature I find my inner artist…

änder i stadsparkenI took the photo of the beautiful ducks above some days ago here in Tomelilla in the beautiful park with my cellphone. I am very pleased with this photo. Nature is one of the things I love the most. I am an artist in my heart and in my soul, and in nature I find myself. My girl Emelie who took this photo of me in the park, right before I took the photo of the ducks…  Maria enjoying nature

During the last Easterdays we where also enjoying the nice Easter exibitons here around at Österlen. This time a year it´s an amazing time and so much to do and see around here. We went to the famous arthall here to look at some Österlen inspired art…

20150407_140112Emelie på konstmuseetThere are some awesome art here and Emelie and I enjoyed the beautiful paintings. I also compared some of the photos I took that day in nature with the paintings. This was not something I had planned in advance, it was only nature talking to my heart <3

My photo above and a beautiful painting from the arthall below…

änder i stadsparken

tavla på konstmuseet Tomelilla

My photo with a nice pattern on a stone taken in the park on the left, and a wase with nice patterns on made by Anne-Beth Borselius on the right.

mönster på stenVas i Tomelilla KonsthallI can se a dogface in the stone pattern on the left. What can you see?

At Anna-Beths wase on the right I can se some leafs, what can you see?

We also took a trip to Germany during Easter, and there I took this photo with my cellphone, and I was lucky with the timing…

Man på strand Danmark
In nature I find my inner artist…

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