Copenhagen yesterday, with a feeling of Christmas…

Julkänsla 1 tivolijulkänsla 4 strögetjulmarknadjulmarknad 1julmarknad tomteI went in with the train to Copenhagen yesterday, after my work, and that was really something special!!The picture above is taken outside the famous Copenhagen Tivoli.

I felt almost like I was in New York or Berlin. A lot of people from different countries where in the ciy to have fun and to look at the early Christmas decorations and the Christmas market…

I did stop at the Christmas market to enjoy the feeling of Christmas, and to get something warm to drink…

There where a lot to eat and drink.

That tasted very good, and it was great to be in the city and to relax…

Copenhagen yesterday, with a feeling of Christmas!!!! 🙂

Greetings from Maria

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